
Sunday, July 21, 2013

OpenFL gestures using roxlib gesture library

When I work with NME before , I used a gesture library called roxlib  for gesture handling. This roxlib library is greats! it's not dependent on native features so I can use it on flash also (for the sake rapid prototyping of course). now that this library is updated to support OpenFL (thanks rockswang!) I can happily tell everyone how awesome this library is. This library is great for basic mobile touch screen gestures, it supports :
  • pinch
  • pan
  • swipe 
  • long press
  • tap 
  • rotation
All the gesture that is common usage in the mobile environment nowadays.

The only problem with this library is the lack of documentation and how cluttered it's code with so many unnecessary code (the "how to use" piece of code could be separated from the library itself I guess). But after a while I figured out how this library works. So I'll write a little tutorial for those who need to use gestures on their games :)

Gesture with Roxlib

First we must download the roxlib library from the github page and extract it somewhere. 

Then copy the roxlib library into your project, this is necessary because it's not a haxelib project so we need to import it manually into the project. 

copy library to project

There's not only gesture package inside the library, but we can remove the others without any problem (once again thanks roxswang for making it independent from another package).

only gesture package left

now for the coding part, all we need to do is create a RoxGestureAgent for the gesture event handler, and some sprite used for the target of gesture , the register the gesture event handler to the target sprite using RoxGestureEvent.

var image:Sprite = new Sprite();
image.addChild(new Bitmap(Assets.getBitmapData("img/rock.png")));
image.x = 300;
image.y = 200;
image.scaleX = 2;
image.scaleY = 2;

var roxAgent = new RoxGestureAgent(image, RoxGestureAgent.GESTURE);

image.addEventListener(RoxGestureEvent.GESTURE_SWIPE, onSwipe);
image.addEventListener(RoxGestureEvent.GESTURE_PAN, onPan);
image.addEventListener(RoxGestureEvent.GESTURE_PINCH, onPinch);
image.addEventListener(RoxGestureEvent.GESTURE_ROTATION, onRotation);
image.addEventListener(RoxGestureEvent.GESTURE_TAP, onTap);
image.addEventListener(RoxGestureEvent.GESTURE_LONG_PRESS, onLongPress);

then for each callBack method, as it receive RoxGestureEvent as parameter, the 2 necessary properties to remember from it are the target and extra properties. The target properties contain the target sprite used as gesture target, and extra properties contain different thing for different actions :

  • extra on Pinch contain scale factor (float)
  • extra on Rotation contain rotation angle (float)
  • extra on Pan/Swipe contain pan/swipe speed (Point)
One thing to note about Pan and Swipe difference is that Pan action called continously when you move your finger across the screen, and swipe is only called when you removed your hand from the screen. 

The below codes is the callback I use for this tutorial, you can create your own version. I'll not really explain too much about each callback but here's a brief explanation about each callback method 

When tap gesture called the target will be scaled up:

 private function onTap(e:RoxGestureEvent):Void
  var sp:DisplayObject = cast(, DisplayObject);
  var scX = sp.scaleX; //current scaleX factor
  var scY = sp.scaleY; //current scaleY factor 
  Actuate.tween(sp, 0.5, { scaleX: scX + 0.1, scaleY:scY + 0.1 } ).ease(Bounce.easeOut);

When long press gesture called the target will be scaled down:

 private function onLongPress(e:RoxGestureEvent):Void
  var sp:DisplayObject = cast(, DisplayObject);
  var scX = sp.scaleX; //current scaleX factor
  var scY = sp.scaleY; //current scaleY factor 
  Actuate.tween(sp, 0.5, { scaleX: scX - 0.3, scaleY:scY - 0.3 } ).ease(Bounce.easeOut);

When pinch called the target will be resized:

private function onPinch(e:RoxGestureEvent):Void
 var sp = cast(, DisplayObject);
 var scale: Float = e.extra;
        var spt = sp.parent.localToGlobal(new Point(sp.x, sp.y));
        var dx = spt.x - e.stageX, dy = spt.y - e.stageY;
        var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);
        var nowlen = new Point(dx, dy).length;
        var newlen = nowlen * scale;
        var newpos = Point.polar(newlen, angle);
        newpos.offset(e.stageX, e.stageY);
        newpos = sp.parent.globalToLocal(newpos);
        sp.scaleX *= scale;
        sp.scaleY *= scale;
        sp.x = newpos.x;
        sp.y = newpos.y;

When pan called the object will move following the mouse/finger movement:

private function onPan(e:RoxGestureEvent):Void
 var sp = cast(, DisplayObject);
 var pt = cast(e.extra,Point);
        sp.x += pt.x;
        sp.y += pt.y;

When swipe called the target will move using the swipe speed

private function onSwipe(e:RoxGestureEvent):Void
 var sp= cast(, DisplayObject);
 var pt = cast(e.extra, Point);
        Actuate.tween(sp,  0.5, { x:sp.x + pt.x, y:sp.y + pt.y });

And here's the result of the example:
Note : I have only tested this on flash, android, and windows and works without problem . If anyone can try it on iOS or blackberry and tell me the result I would be grateful!
Note : When I tested this on html5 ,swipe and pan didn't work. maybe anyone can figure out why? 

That's all. 

I hope you can make use of this awesome library. as for this is the best library I found for simple mobile gestures. again, all thanks for rockswang for this awesome gesture library :D


Monday, July 1, 2013

From NME to OpenFL with FlashDevelop

Right now OpenFL already up on the haxelib  so I could say that it's safe to use it now. For some , the migration process wouldn't be as smooth as one expect. Some problem like different build file type (NME use .nmml while OpenFL use .xml) and the support of OpenFL on FlashDevelop would cause a problem.

I've sucessfully migrated my NME project into OpenFL, it's not a big deal but maybe it can help they who don't know how to migrate :) 

First here's how to install OpenFL and FlashDevelop :
  1. Install haxe 3 from and the official site
  2. open the newly installed haxelib and install these libs: openfl, openfl-compatibility, openfl-tools,openfl-native,openfl-html5
  3. after those libs installed, run this command : haxelib run openfl setup 
  4. run additional setup command to setup each platform : openfl setup android, openfl setup blackberry, etc . If you already run nme setup [platform] previously , the setting would be saved in OpenFL
  5. The current release build of FlashDevelop doesn't support OpenFL project, so you need to install the dev build version of FlashDevelop. you can download it here
  6. if you select New Project in FlashDevelop you can see the OpenFL project can be created there.

Migrating NME Project to OpenFL Project

Using the new FlashDevelop we can migrate NME Project to OpenFL, but it need some configuration changes in .nmml file to do so.
  • change .nmml file extension in your NME project into .xml 
  • change <haxelib="nme"/> into <haxelib="openfl"/>
  • add <haxelib="openfl-compatibility"/> so OpenFL will recognize all the old nme package
  • looks like <haxelib="actuate"/> is necessary in OpenFL so don't forget to add that (Edit: turns out It's not really necessary if you don't use actuate)
  • I'm not sure if this one necessary or not but you can delete all <ndll/> tags without problem (except your own ndll of course)
  • This one too , delete the old <haxeflag/> tag and change with this one <haxeflag name="-dce std" if="haxe3" />
  • Last, we need to tell FlashDevelop to use the .xml file as the build file. Right click Project -> Properties . On the output file, change the application.nmml extension to application.xml
  • Try to run the project. It should be no problem now.

Other notes
  • check the haxe 3 migration  for some feature changes like Maps and properties
  • haxe 3 use different haxelib repo than haxe 2. so make sure that your lib that you use is  exist in 
  • some library like spritesheet changes it's package name so you need to be careful about that.
for the end note, OpenFL is a great framework with so many potential. so don't hestitate to use it and keep creating awesome things . Cheers! :)